North Fish and Too Good To Go together against food waste
North Fish and Too Good To Go together against food waste
Posted on: Tuesday September 3rd, 2019
North Fish has started collaborating with the innovative mobile app Too Good To Go, which limits food waste. The platform provides a chance to offer products which haven’t been sold and would otherwise go to waste.
The Too Good To Go app forms the largest community of people battling food waste, by offering unsold products from restaurants and other food sales points. Since 26 August, the North Fish restaurant at Galeria Mokotów has been offering packages of good, tasty meals at 1/3 of the regular price, or even less..
“We’re glad that a platform has appeared on the market which effectively and intuitively gathers all those people who find the scale of food waste nowadays to be unacceptable.
As soon as we found out in early July that Too Good To Go – which enjoys great and increasing popularity across our western border – was opening a branch in Poland, we knew immediately that it was just a question of time before North Fish joined it. During the first days of the test at the Mokotów restaurant we could already feel the potential of the Too Good To Go app. The actual idea of distributing unsold products from restaurants or food industry may not be a new one, but Too Good To Go is the first time it has been realised on a global scale. All it needed was to connect people devoted to fighting food waste, who would be glad to buy unsold products at attractive prices, with a vast number of establishments which hadn’t previously known how to reach them. Too Good To Go does this perfectly, as demonstrated by the speed at which new users are appearing on both sides, and by the time it takes for the packages appearing on the platform to vanish. Our aim is to include every restaurant bearing the North Fish logo in the programme, before the year is out. If I’m not mistaken, we’re the first restaurant chain of this size which has decided to join the Too Good To Go programme, and I believe that others will follow in our footsteps to support this noble idea,” says Przemysław Pukiewicz, Operational Process Support Manager.

North Fish is a chain of restaurants specialising in fish, seafood and vegetarian dish. The first was opened in 2002 in the Galeria Echo shopping centre in Kielce. Currently North Fish operates 47 restaurants located in Poland’s best shopping centres, which makes it the country’s unquestioned leader and Europe’s second largest, chain of restaurants offering fish and seafood. Each day nearly 1,000 employees take care to ensure the highest quality of the products served.