Barbara Paduch

I started working at North Food Polska S.A. as an independent accountant in 2003, shortly after the first North Fish restaurant had opened. I have been developing together with the company. In the first years of work I went on raising professional qualifications. As a result, in 2007, I was promoted to the position of Chief Accountant. As a result of my commitment and hard work over the years, the Board of Management designated me in 2019 to perform the CFO duties. I was also appointed as one of the proxies of the company.

At North Food I really like stability of employment on one hand, and on the other hand, the diversity of challenges I have experienced on a daily basis. This is due to the continuous development of the company and participation in new projects.  Commitment to company standards and changing business environment motivates me to continuously search for better solutions for the area which I am responsible for.

In addition, due to friendly and mutually respectful atmosphere in the company at all levels, I spend each day at work with pleasure.